Our current team was formed in 2012, and administered Amateur Radio testing at Universal Radio in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, until their relocation in 2017. Our team has also administered tests for W8LT (The Amateur Radio Club of The Ohio State University), The Central Ohio Radio Club, and The Central Ohio Amateur Radio Emergency Service, and the Westerville Library. Our team has also provided testing for special needs candidates (Homebound / Handicapped). If our team may be of service, do not hesitate to contact us!
Our team consists of the following ARRL-VEC credentialed examiners:
Frank Piper, AE8FP (VE Team Liaison to the ARRL-VEC)
Craig Blaine, WB2FVE
Arnold Berger, KE8VJB
Phil Carter, WD8QWR
Mor Cassianus Yuhanon Lewis, K8AYB
Larry Feth, K8HTC
Larry Foster, K8BBQ
Frank Huffman, K8OVP
Rich Jordan, AA8DN
Robert Northrup, KC8PSW
Kevin O’Harra, KD8IIB
John Perone, W8RXX
Laura Perone, WA8IWB
Craig Phillips, W8PCP
Scott Ryan, AB8KN
John Schwartz, AD8JW
Michael Wagner, AD8MW
Ed Weist, N8UTI