CORC Amateur Radio Exam Team


A: Yes, Pre-Registration is required, so we may make sure you have your FRN, materials, etc. and any special accommodations (i.e. visually

impaired, etc.). This also allows for us to electronically submit all tests

to the ARRL-VEC, improving processing time.

Here’s a checklist of items you need prior to registering for our test session:

  • A valid E-Mail Address 
    • The FCC now requires a valid e-mail address on the NCVEC 605 application form. Please print clearly on the form. An invalid email address will delay the processing, or possible cancellation, of your license.
  • An FCC Registration Number (FRN)
    • All amateur examination applicants will be required to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to the Volunteer Examiners (VEs) prior to registering for a test session, and before taking an amateur exam. This is necessary due to changes the FCC has made to its licensing system, as well as for our VE Team uploads test results to the ARRL-VEC. We will not transmit paperwork with Social Security Numbers.

      Amateur candidates who already have an FCC license, whether for amateur radio or in another service, already have an FRN and can use the same number. All prospective new FCC licensees, however, will be required to obtain an FRN before the examination and provide that number to the volunteer examiners on the Form 605 license application.

      An FCC instructional video provides step-by-step instructions on how to obtain an FRN through the FCC’s COmmission REgistration System (CORES).

      The FRN is required for all new applicants to take an amateur exam and is used afterward by the applicant to submit the
      FCC Application Fee, and download the license document from the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS), upgrade the license, apply for a vanity call sign, and to submit administrative updates (such as address and email changes) and renewal applications.


A: Coming prepared for an examination helps the entire exam process flow smoothly and quickly for everyone involved.

Here’s a checklist of what to bring:

  • A Legal photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport)
    • If no photo ID is available, two forms of identification is required:
      • Non-Photo ID/Driver’s License (some states still have them)
      • Birth Certificate
      • Social Security Card
      • Library Card
      • Utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names the person; or a postmarked envelope addressed to the person at his or her current mailing address as it appears on the Form NCVEC 605.
      • Students/minors may bring any of the above items and/or a school ID, minor's work permit, report card, or a legal guardian may present a photo ID.
  • If applicable, you current Amateur Radio License
    • Bring either a photocopy of your current Amateur Radio license or a reference copy printed out from the FCC website, the license information printed from ARRL website or QRZ website, or the original(s) and photocopy(s) of any Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) you may hold from previous exam sessions. If your license has already been issued by FCC, the CSCE showing license credit is not needed. The photocopy(s) will not be returned. 
  • Two (2) Sharpened #2 Pencils and a Pen
    • You will need the pencils to fill out the testing answer sheets, and a pen for placing your legal signature on the documents.
  • A Calculator
    • A calculator with the memory erased and formulas cleared is allowed. You may not bring any written notes or calculations into the exam session.
    • Slide rules and logarithmic tables are acceptable, as long as they are free of notes and formulas.
    • iPhones, iPads, Androids, smartphones, Blackberry devices and all similar electronic devices with a calculator capability, will not be permitted to be used during testing. All phones must be silenced or turned off during the exam session.
  • Test Fee
    • The ARRL-VEC current exam fee is $15.00. Only Cash or Credit/Debit Card will be accepted to cover the exam session fee(s). This fee allows you to take one exam for each test element. Retakes of failed exam elements will require an additional fee of $15.00 for each retake. Fees will be collected the day of the exam. The test fee does NOT cover the separate FCC Application Fee, effective 4-19-2022.